Back in the late 1990s, with the emerging power of the internet, an occurrence changed the entire way how businesses reach their customers online.
Curious to know what it was?
Blogging?? Yes.
Who ever knew that it could turn the game around?
Today, it’s reported that marketers who prioritise blogging are more likely to enjoy increased ROI.
Here are a few significant reasons for helping you move ahead to nurture leads:
The Effectiveness of Blogging
A blog does more than just updates about the business and its events. When done right, it can perform wonders in helping you grow in your field.
Crafting posts to educate your consumers can help you position yourself as a reliable source for your audience. Not just this, the more valuable content you publish, the more likely you are to be ranked on search engines, consequently attracting more views and traffic via search.
Content marketing is a constructive and potential way to generate leads. Providing consistent, engaging content can help your visitors build trust in your brand and make them comfortable sharing their contact information. This makes a blog crucial for lead generation.
It is proven that companies embracing blogging have received more links to their website. And knowing that inbound links are one of the most efficient ways to rank your website.
But what happens after you get a visitor over the website?
You certainly wanted to pull them, grab their attention, and persuade them to action to make them turn into customers.
But before turning them into lifetime customers, you must first attain their personal information via the lead generation process.
Following are a few tactics to enhance your lead generation marketing strategy:
1. Using CTAs in Blog Posts
CTAs work as a compelling tool for your readers to take action. They are essential for post-click landing pages and advertisements. Well, quite surprised to state that they are a little underused.
If writing a post similar to this one, try including a hyperlink in the text to a relevant piece of information.
2. Provide Exclusive Content
After that curiosity you have created, there’s nothing wrong with holding a little of something back for those who are all willing to spend a little extra in return for more information.
Teasing your audience with exclusive content helps more than free access to your blogs. The key to doing this is to provide value to your blogs.
3. Offer Perks to Your Readers
Being the owner of an ecommerce website, you can offer your blog readers a chance to buy products at a discounted price which can serve as a great deal for lead generation.
Giving away discounts to those that subscribe to your email newsletters and taking the strategy ahead by offering deals via messages helps you never miss a chance.
4. Insights to Blog Summary
Packing websites and blog posts full of content are significantly impactful. However, sometimes, it becomes too much to digest for many. In addition, not everyone has the time to make their way through a 1000+ word blog post. And that makes sense too.
To address this, shorter downloadable summaries can be exchanged for a name and email for the key takeaways without making it into the entire blog post.
A blog post of around 1500 words or so is summarised into a maximum of 250 words making it a beneficial lead generation tool.
5. Margin Banners
Margin banners are a widely used approach for every blog post you have read so far. If you notice the right sidebar, you will see a CTA that says to download content or sign up for an email list.
I emphasise including CTA as it tries to get people to try out professional post-click landing pages. Websites with a margin banner play well to grab leads.
6. Reaching Out Influencers
So far, out of all the techniques shared about converting your blog post into an online lead generation machine were mostly indirect and required a little more effort on your part.
Try out this one to rock it effortlessly!
Firstly, identify influencers in your industry with massive following and engagements over social media.
Secondly, put some effort into engaging with them by linking, commenting, and sharing their content. Again, the target is to make yourself noticeable in their eyes. The more they see your presence on their page or profile, the more familiar you will become with them.
Thirdly, you must reach out to them differently from others. Influencers’ DMs and inboxes are flooded with hundreds of daily emails asking them to promote their brand, products, or even a shout-out. Keeping your tone friendly and relatable makes it more likely to get attention and can massively help.
7. Answering Comments
Unsurprisingly, the comments section of an article or a blog post is one of the effective places to generate qualified leads.
Why is that so?
These commenters are the loyal ones who tend to engage and interact with your page by asking questions, providing suggestions, or even giving kudos.
The next time you notice a comment on your blog post asking for more information on a specific point, answer it with all your heart, and don’t forget to slide in a CTA to a post-click landing page where they can download a PDF or an online form on the subject.
8. Time-delay Pop-ups
Soon you enter a blog post; pop-ups jump on your face saying, “Join our email list or “Subscribe to our newsletter!”
Many websites and blogging web pages use them to generate leads.
9. Exit Pop-ups
Once you are done reading the blog post, you are still left to take action anywhere on the page. Doesn’t matter since you are satisfied with what you were looking for and are now ready to exit.
Just before that, suddenly, your screen is monopolised by a pop-up. This is called an exit pop-up – the last resort to turn your visitors into a lead before leaving.
Employing exit pop-ups is one of the most inventive strategies used by prolific marketers to gain likes and followers on social media to generate leads.
Want more leads??
Keep blogging!